Expressions of interest in acquiring works, write to: haflidisaevarsson(a) Social media links at the bottom of this page.
Hafú is a painter and author who lives and works in Reykjavík. From a very young age, he started pursuing art through drawing and creating cartoon characters. Later, he participated in the pan-Nordic cultural cooperation project: New Century, Nordic Vision for the Future, and exhibited at the National Gallery of Iceland and later at Øksnehallen in Copenhagen. There he studied with painter Sigurður Örlygsson and art teacher Sigurbjörn Helgason.
Throughout his career he has resided in Hong Kong, The Netherlands, Japan, and China in addition to Iceland. He always combined studies in economics with art history and fine arts. During his graduation exhibition at Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong, 46 works were on display. At University College Utrecht, he founded the school’s Art Club. He has also attended courses at the Reykjavík Art School, Beijing Shuangxiong Foreign Service Co. and Iceland Academy of the Arts. In China, for 8 years he worked on Icelandic art promotion and organised many cultural and artistic exchange events between the two countries.
In September 2022, the children's book Marísól and the seaplane was published by Leó Publishing, which Hafú wrote and illustrated in collaboration with his son.
Hafú is the nickname of Hafliði Sævarsson. He has exhibited widely around the world both solo and joint displays. He is a member of the Union of Icelandic Visual Artists (SÍM) and since 2020 has participated in its joint exhibitions.
Æviágrip: Hafú er listmálari og höfundur sem býr og starfar í Reykjavík. Frá unga aldri lagði hann stund á myndlist, teikningu og skapaði sínar eigin skopmyndapersónur. Sextán ára tók hann þátt í samnorræna menningarverkefninu: Ný öld, norræn framtíðarsýn, og var með verk á Listasafni Íslands og síðar í Øksnehallen í Kaupmannahöfn. Þar lærði hann hjá Sigurði Örlygssyni listmálara og Sigurbirni Helgasyni myndmenntakennara.
Á ferli sínum hefur Hafú búið í Hong Kong, Hollandi, Japan og Kína þar sem hann stundaði nám í hagfræði samhliða listasögu og myndlist. Frá Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong og útskrifaðist hann í myndlist og sýndi 46 verk á lokasýningu. Við University College Utrecht stofnaði hann listaklúbb skólans. Einnig hefur hann sótt námskeið við Myndlistaskólann í Reykjavík, Beijing
Shuangxiong Foreign Service Co. og Listaháskóla Íslands. Í átta ár starfaði hann við kynningar á íslenskri list og skipulagði fjölmarga listviðburði í þeim tilgangi að efla menningarsamskipti Íslands og Kína.
Í september 2022 kom út barnabókin Marísól og sjóflugvélin hjá Leó bókaútgáfu sem hann skrifaði og myndskreytti í samstarfi við son sinn. Hafú er gælunafn Hafliða Sævarssonar. Þetta er hans önnur einkasýning en hann
hefur tekið þátt í sjö samsýningum víðs vegar um heiminn. Hann er félagi í
Sambandi íslenskra myndlistarmanna (SÍM) og hefur frá árinu 2020 tekið þátt í
samsýningum þess.
Follow me or send a message via Instagram: @hafu_iceland --- Artist profile on Facebook: